I joined the throngs of people lined up last night to see the first “Natural Vision” 3D motion picture film “Aviator.” Amazing. The clarity, the sound experience, the realness of this created world were unbelievable. I was transported into another realm, a realm of uncompromised metaphor. This is the first movie of mostly cartoon characters hard not to "care" about. This is what production on the scale of $280+ million can do. Why should a discerning audience demand anything else?
Is this “the future of filmmaking?” Have our (the global culture) movie taste buds been slowly transformed to find movies of this magnitude especially palatable, at the peril of all other things? More importantly, how does an “epic” movie so closely mirroring recent human atrocities (Iraq, Afghanistan, resource wars in general) translate to the “masses” enjoying their entertainment? James Cameron hopes that “maybe in the enjoying of it makes you think a little bit about the way you interact with nature and your fellow man.” Is this how ideas are transmitted in 2009? Is a movie, video game, banana, dairy product easily sold to a massive “consumer culture,” specifically the individuals created through this culture, really going to do anything other than reinforce whatever assumption of what life is and what has meaning?
It seems that to continue to try to find deep, sacred meaning in any product is an exercise in futility.
As long as ability to achieve fulfillment or happiness is tied to increasingly large systems and structures, your mind will be controlled by those systems. You bought the gas to drive your car down the giant freeway to park in the massive parking lot, things literally made possible by a global supply chain and governments interested in facilitating these consumption habits. This is how we "acquire" our "happiness" in 2009. Reject it, embrace the small. Or go enjoy your movie as I did, unable to separate my thoughts and expectations from the actual “product” and the lives of my fellow humans. Go see Aviator, but don’t see the obligatory sequels. This is unhealthy.